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St Joseph's Primary School Meigh

Instructional Writing


We had great fun learning how to plan and write instructions for our Literacy topic in P6. We had everything from how to make a cup of tea to a set of instructions for the perfect day in school! We learned about "bossy" verbs and how to make our instructions appealing to read!


Heroes Assembly


P6 loved performing their recent assembly all about what makes a hero. We don't have to look too far in our own family and community to see real heroes who help and inspire us!


Viking Artifacts constructed with clay!


World Book Day


Catholic Schools Week


We were really busy in P6 this week celebrating Catholic Schools Week. The theme was “living life to the full.” We decorated gratitude jars, made cards for our fantastic grandparents both living and deceased and focused on all our special “neighbours” who help us in our life! Here’s a flavour of what we got up to in our slideshow below!



18th Feb 2025
St Paul's have asked us to share this with you.  The invitation is also for...
17th Feb 2025
Registration is Friday 21st February from 8.30am-9.15am.
11th Feb 2025
We had a brilliant time outdoors exploring all the 3D Shapes in our fabulous playground...