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St Joseph's Primary School Meigh

Armagh Day


Maths Week


Primary 5 were all very busy with  solving problems and participating in online workshops as part of Maths Week. We even won one of St Paul’s Maths problems and are awaiting our prize. Well done everyone!


Mental Health week


To celebrate World Mental Health Week we worked with Sinead McDermott to draw a landscape piece. The children had a lovely relaxing time drawing.




Primary 5 had a trip to the Navan Centre to learn about Ancient Egypt. The children learned lots of information about Egypt. They had great fun.




The children learned important life skills today. They learned on to perform CPR on an unconscious casualty. 


Maths Week


During Maths Week we had a live zoom session with Izak9. The children worked as teams to solve lots of maths problem. They had great fun.




Hannah from Dogstrust came to visit Primary 5 and told them all about safety with dogs. The children had great fun learning about dogs.


Making Shapes with P3


The Primary 3 and 5 children joined together to make shapes and letters in PE. They had great fun working together as a team.


Paired Reading


The primary 3 and 5 children started Paired Reading this week and this will continue every Friday. Paired reading is a simple yet very effective way of improving a child’s reading. It helps to improve their basic reading ability (i.e. the ability to read words quickly and accurately) and their ability to understand whatever is being read. The Primary 5 children will be the mentors to the Primary 3 children. The children really enjoy this activity.


Maths Mates


Primary 4 and 5 started Maths Mates this week. The children get to play fun maths games every Friday and use their maths skills to help them.



Welcome to Primary 5 - 2023-2024.


Declan Carville


Declan Carville a local author came to visit our school and read some of his published books. The children really enjoyed listening and asking him lots of questions.


Dairy Council


The Dairy Council visited our school and spoke to Primary 5 and 6 about the importance of a Healthy, balanced diet. It was a very interactive talk and the children had great fun learning the song.


Burns Soccer School


Aaron from Burns Soccer School is teaching the Primary 5 children about the importance of a having a Healthy Heart.


Firemen visit Primary 5

The fireman came to visit Primary 5 this week and taught them all about fire safety in the home. 


Paired Reading


Primary 5 children are enjoying their weekly Paired Reading session with the Primary 3 children.


St Brigid's Day


To celebrate St Brigid’s Day we made St Brigid’s cross collages.


Catholic Schools Week


Catholic Schools Week

Primary 5 are busy celebrating Catholic Schools Week all this week. Today we were talking about How to love your neighbour and had to choose 1 word on how they can love their neighbour.  We then put all of the words together in a lovely class chain.


Problem Solving with Izak 9


Problem Solving

The Primary 5 class had great fun problem solving with our new Izak 9 cubes.  They played the game called the Eliminator and had to work as a team to solve the problems.  Everyone enjoyed today’s challenge and worked well solving all the problems including putting the cubes back into their box.


Gimme 5 Wellbeing Programme



Gina McKnight from EA are running a 5 week programme with the Primary 5 class called Gimme 5 which involves learning 5 ways to wellbeing. Next weeks session is yoga.




Fun in the snow


Happy birthday October


Happy birthday James and Caoimhe. I hope you liked your buns😀



Happy birthday Emilija, Daniel and Quinn


Anti Bullying Week


Anti-Bullying Week

We celebrated a Kindness week in St Joseph's and completed lots of activities linked to kindness.  Primary 5 had to design a poster to show Kindness and promote Anti-Bullying.  Charlie O'Malley won our poster competition for being kind and the designing the best poster.  Well done Charlie!


Maths Week


Maths Week

We had a great week of Maths.  The children completed lots of fun maths activities and entered a competition.  The winner of the competition was Jasmine Rice who received a prize for her efforts.

Well done Jasmine!


Fire Safety Week


The fire service normally visit Primary 5 every year but this year due to covid they have not been able to. They sent us a virtual video to tell the children all about Fire Safety.


Egyptian Day


Egyptian Day

We had a fantastic day at The Navan Centre in Armagh finding out about the Egyptians.